Hier ein paar Bilder vom diesjährigen “Songwriting Retreat”, quasi einem 7-tägigen Workshop in dem man in unterschiedlichen Gruppen jeden Tag zusammen ein neues Lied erarbeitet. Das Ganze findet traditonell in Andalusien statt (das Leben ist hart!). Wer dem Blog schon lange folgt, wird sehen, dass ich das letztes Jahr auch schon gemacht habe. Der Grund warum ich mich auch dieses Jahr wieder dazu entschlossen habe, ist, dass man dort viele talentierte Leute trifft, die oftmals ganz andere Ansätze zum Thema Songwriting haben als man selber. Und ich finde immer, je mehr unterschiedliche Zutaten man in den Top wirft, desto interessanter und einzigartiger wird das Resultat. Meiner Meinung nach ist das eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines Liedes; es muss interessant sein und irgendwie anders als das was man schon 1000 mal im Radio gehört hat.
Übrigens: am Ende dieses Monats kommt eine neue Episode von INA TV.... ;-)
Bis dahin wünsche ich euch noch eine schöne Woche. Alles Liebe, Ina
//Here are a couple of pictures from this year´s songwriting retreat, which is basically a seven day workshop where you get together in different groups each day and write a song as a group. This whole thing takes place in Andalusia (life is hard!). Those who have been following this blog for a while probably know that I´ve been on one of those retreats last years as well. the reason why I decided to participate again was because you usually meet a lot of very talented people there who oftentimes have very different approaches and styles with regards to songwriting. I peronally believe that the more different the ingredients, the more interesting and unique the result will be. And in my opinion, if you have a song that is interesting and surprises you at times, you´re already half way there. By the way, by the end of this month I will publish a new episode of INA TV...:-) Until then, I wish you all a good week. Love, Ina
//Here are a couple of pictures from this year´s songwriting retreat, which is basically a seven day workshop where you get together in different groups each day and write a song as a group. This whole thing takes place in Andalusia (life is hard!). Those who have been following this blog for a while probably know that I´ve been on one of those retreats last years as well. the reason why I decided to participate again was because you usually meet a lot of very talented people there who oftentimes have very different approaches and styles with regards to songwriting. I peronally believe that the more different the ingredients, the more interesting and unique the result will be. And in my opinion, if you have a song that is interesting and surprises you at times, you´re already half way there. By the way, by the end of this month I will publish a new episode of INA TV...:-) Until then, I wish you all a good week. Love, Ina