Manchmal haben Frauen ja aus heiterem Himmel ein grosses Bedürfnis nach optischer Veränderung. Das geht dann meistens total schief. Auch ich hatte Endes letzten Jahres den Drang, mich optisch zu verändern; die Auswahl stand zwischen Haare komplett abschneiden oder die Haarfarbe wechseln. Leider war auch meine Mutter beim Friseur anwesend und wenn es etwas gibt, für das sie kein Verständnis hat, dann ist das Haare färben, ohne dass es dafür einen konkreten Anlass gibt (graue Haare zB). Demnach hab ich sie abgeschnitten.
Wie das letzte Mal, als ich mir meine Haare ziemlich kurz geschnitten habe, habe ich es bereits am Abend bereut. Das Ausmass der Entscheidung wird dir aber erst nach und nach bewusst: wenn du irgendwo wirklich glamourös aussehen musst und dann hast du nur diese kurzen Haare und was du auch machst, du siehst aus wie ein Wischmopp. Auf den Bildern hier sieht es ja gut aus, aber ich habe auch sehr dickes Haar und wenn ich sie dann alleine stylen muss, wird es schwierig. Naja…anders als zB eine neue Nase, wächst das Haar ja wieder. Und nächstes Mal, wenn ich mich unbedingt verändern will, färbe ich sie blond. Und zwar heimlich!
PS: an meinem Friseur gibt es keine Kritik zu verüben, er hat das wirklich toll gemacht. Das Problem ist einfach die Länge, die ich allerdings ja unbedingt haben wollte.
//Sometimes women have this sudden yet major urge to change their appearance. That usually ends up in a disaster. Towards the end of last year, I also experienced this phenomenon, for me it was between cutting my hair off or changing my hair colour. Unfortunately, the day I went to the hairdresser, my mum was also present and if there is one thing in this world she absolutely dislikes, its colouring your hair without any need (f.ex. grey hair). Hence, I cut it off. And just like that last time, when I cut my hair really short, I’ ve been regretting my decision that same evening. And then, slowly but surely, the sheer enormity of your decision hits you, for example when you have to look really glamorous and all you have to work with is this really short hair combined with zero talent in styling it. And whatever you do, you look like one of these mops people use to clean wooden floors. I mean, it did look great when I got it done but given that I have very thick hair, when I have to style it myself, things get tricky. Anyways, as opposed to for instance a new nose, hair grows back. And next time, when I suddenly need a big change, I’ll dye my hair blonde. Secretely! PS: This is in no way a criticism towards my hair dresser, he did an amazing job. The problem is the length, which I did want really badly at the time.
//Sometimes women have this sudden yet major urge to change their appearance. That usually ends up in a disaster. Towards the end of last year, I also experienced this phenomenon, for me it was between cutting my hair off or changing my hair colour. Unfortunately, the day I went to the hairdresser, my mum was also present and if there is one thing in this world she absolutely dislikes, its colouring your hair without any need (f.ex. grey hair). Hence, I cut it off. And just like that last time, when I cut my hair really short, I’ ve been regretting my decision that same evening. And then, slowly but surely, the sheer enormity of your decision hits you, for example when you have to look really glamorous and all you have to work with is this really short hair combined with zero talent in styling it. And whatever you do, you look like one of these mops people use to clean wooden floors. I mean, it did look great when I got it done but given that I have very thick hair, when I have to style it myself, things get tricky. Anyways, as opposed to for instance a new nose, hair grows back. And next time, when I suddenly need a big change, I’ll dye my hair blonde. Secretely! PS: This is in no way a criticism towards my hair dresser, he did an amazing job. The problem is the length, which I did want really badly at the time.