Stichwort Coffee Music Project: Wie einige von euch sicherlich über meine Social Media Seiten mitbekommen haben, habe ich dieses Jahr bei einem bekannten internationalen Musikwettbewerb names “Coffee Music Project” mitgemacht. Der Wettbewerb findet jedes Jahr einmal in London und einmal in New York statt. In insgesamt vier Runden bewerten die Juroren Stimme, Bühnenauftreten, und Songwriter Qualitäten der Kandidaten. Ich bin bis ins Finale gekommen und habe am Ende den dritten Platz gemacht, ich war natürlich erst sehr enttäuscht, habe mich dann aber schnell wieder gefasst, vor allem angesichts des extrem hohen Leistungsniveaus der anderen Kandidaten. Am Ende der Show hat der Veranstalter zu mir gesagt: Sei nicht traurig, Sam Smith hat hier auch mitgemacht und nicht gewonnen. Und sieh dir an, wo er jetzt ist…
In diesel Sinne beende ich meinen Post mit einem meiner Lieblingssprueche: “What is a big shot except a little shot that kept on shooting” (kann man schlecht übersetzen). Habt ein schönes Wochenende.
// Let’s talk Coffee Music Project: As some of you might have witnessed from my social media sites, this year I have participated in an internationally renowned music contest called “The Coffee Music Project”. This competition takes place every year once in London and once in New York. Throughout the four preliminary rounds, the jury evaluates things like vocal ability, performance and songwriting quality of each candidate. I made it into the finals and came third in the end, which, at first, was quite disappointing for me…but I quickly got to accept it, especially given the incredible amount of talent that was represented throughout the competition. At the end of the show, the main organiser said to me: Don’ t be upset, Sam Smith also once participated here and didn’t come first either. And look where he is at now! And hence I will finish this post with one of my favourite saying: What is a big shot except a little shot that kept on shooting. Have a lovely weekend.
// Let’s talk Coffee Music Project: As some of you might have witnessed from my social media sites, this year I have participated in an internationally renowned music contest called “The Coffee Music Project”. This competition takes place every year once in London and once in New York. Throughout the four preliminary rounds, the jury evaluates things like vocal ability, performance and songwriting quality of each candidate. I made it into the finals and came third in the end, which, at first, was quite disappointing for me…but I quickly got to accept it, especially given the incredible amount of talent that was represented throughout the competition. At the end of the show, the main organiser said to me: Don’ t be upset, Sam Smith also once participated here and didn’t come first either. And look where he is at now! And hence I will finish this post with one of my favourite saying: What is a big shot except a little shot that kept on shooting. Have a lovely weekend.