Wow, Deutschland ist Weltmeister!!!! Wie gesagt, ich habe grundsätzlich keine Ahnung von Fußball aber man hat wirklich ganz stark gesehen was das deutsche Team von den anderen unterschieden hat und letztendlich den Sieg ausgemacht hat: das Funktionieren im Team. Deutschland hat keinen Messi, keinen Ronaldo (wobei Neuer sich meiner Meinung schon in der Riege einordnen kann) aber sie bewegen sich halt als Einheit, nicht als Individuen. Mein Freund, seine zwei Kumpels und ich waren gestern im irischen Pub um das Spiel zu gucken. Ich hatte die ganze Zeit so einen Stress, ich wusste Deutschland ist besser aber es gab auch durchaus gefährliche Momente von Argentinien. Ich habe frisch-gepressten Apfel-Karotten-Saft getrunken und ein bisschen Gemüse mit Dip gegessen und trotzdem fühle ich mich heute als hätte ich die Nacht durchgesoffen. Das kommt wahrscheinlich von den 120 Minuten extremer Anspannung. Nicht umsonst steigt die Herzinfarkt Rate in Deutschland (wenn Deutschland spielt) um ein 4-faches, wie ich heute gelesen habe. Aber Gott sei Dank lebe ich noch und bin sehr glücklich und stolz auf das deutsche Team.
PS: Meine Lieblingsspielerfrau ist ja die Freundin von Neuer. Die ist so süß und unaffektiert.
//Wow, Germany won the world cup!!!!! As I mentioned previously, I don´t really know much about football but it was really obvious what differentiated the German team from the others and what eventually caused their victory: the ability to function as a team. Germany has no Messi, no Ronaldo (although in my opinion Neuer could be mentioned among these names) but they move and act as an entity, not as individuals. My boyfriend, his two mates and me went to an irish pub yesterday to watch the game. I was so stressed the whole time, I knew Germany was the better team but still, there were so many dangerous moments coming from Argentinia. I only drank fresh pressed apple-carrot juice and ate a some fresh vegetables with dip and still today I feel like I´ve been downing three bottles of Vodka. This most probably derives from the 120 minutes of extreme tension. It is not a coincidence that the heart attack rate in Germany is about four times higher when Germany plays, as I read today. But luckily, I survived and now I m very happy and proud of the German Team. PS: By the way, my favorite wag is definitely Neuer´s girlfriend. She is so cute and down-to-earth.
//Wow, Germany won the world cup!!!!! As I mentioned previously, I don´t really know much about football but it was really obvious what differentiated the German team from the others and what eventually caused their victory: the ability to function as a team. Germany has no Messi, no Ronaldo (although in my opinion Neuer could be mentioned among these names) but they move and act as an entity, not as individuals. My boyfriend, his two mates and me went to an irish pub yesterday to watch the game. I was so stressed the whole time, I knew Germany was the better team but still, there were so many dangerous moments coming from Argentinia. I only drank fresh pressed apple-carrot juice and ate a some fresh vegetables with dip and still today I feel like I´ve been downing three bottles of Vodka. This most probably derives from the 120 minutes of extreme tension. It is not a coincidence that the heart attack rate in Germany is about four times higher when Germany plays, as I read today. But luckily, I survived and now I m very happy and proud of the German Team. PS: By the way, my favorite wag is definitely Neuer´s girlfriend. She is so cute and down-to-earth.
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