Hier sind ein paar Bilder vom Abend. Die Bilder hat Sophia gemacht, die 14jährige Tochter von einem Familienfreund, die auch mit dabei war. Fast jeden Abend haben wir Fotos gemacht, als Übung sozusagen. Wer sich erinnert, fotografieren lernen war ja eines meiner Ziele für 2014. Das Kleid ist von meiner Mama, wie vieles in meiner Gaderobe. Seht ihr die kleinen Leoparsden auf dem Kleid? ;-)
// Here are some evening pictures. The pictures were taken by Sophia, the 14-year old daughter of one of our family friends. Almost every evening the two of us took pictures, as practise so to say. Some of you might remember that photography was part of my “things I want to learn in 2014” list. The dress is from my mum, as many things in my wardrobe. You you see the little leaopards on the dress? ;-)
// Here are some evening pictures. The pictures were taken by Sophia, the 14-year old daughter of one of our family friends. Almost every evening the two of us took pictures, as practise so to say. Some of you might remember that photography was part of my “things I want to learn in 2014” list. The dress is from my mum, as many things in my wardrobe. You you see the little leaopards on the dress? ;-)
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