Seit diesem Samstag, dem 4ten Oktober, lebe ich genau ein Jahr in der Ukraine. Dieses Jahr war aus vielen Gründen sehr besonders. Einer der Gründe ist, dass dieses das erste Jahr nach ca 17 Jahren war, in dem ich nicht mehr zur Schule / Uni gegangen bin, keine Arbeiten mehr schreiben musste etc - die Schul-/ Studienzeit ist also seit einem Jahr offiziell vorbei. Das Lustige ist, ich habe mir schon vor vielen Jahren ausgerechnet, dass ich ca 2013 mit studieren fertig sein müsste und es hat mich wirklich brennend interessiert, was ich danach wohl mache ;-)
Und ich muss sagen, die Zeit nach dem Studieren ist schon cool, ich habe das erste Mal richtig Zeit, mich um meine persönlichen Projekte zu kümmern, Bilderalben zu machen, zu zeichnen, wieder mehr Songs schreiben, mich mit Fotografie beschäftigen etc. Davon abgesehen ist die Tatsache an sich, dass ich seit einem Jahr in der Ukraine wohne, für mich besonders.
Es ist wirklich nicht immer leicht, vorallem wegen der Kommunikation. Spätestens seit Putin beschlossen hat, in die Ukraine einzudringen, sprechen hier alle nur noch ukrainisch. Und ich habe nun mal angefangen russisch zu lernen. Jetzt bin ich in der schwierigen Situation, dass ich zum Einen fast kein russisch höre und zum Anderen auch nach einem Jahr immernoch nichts verstehe weil alle ukrainisch reden. Und ukrainisch ist wirklich sehr anders als russisch. Allerdings wäre “ukrainisch zuerst lernen” auch keine ideale Lösung weil, während alle Ukrainer auch russisch sprechen und verstehen, sprechen nicht alle Ukrainer ukrainisch.
Dieses Jahr hatte ich auch meinen ersten richtigen Vollzeitjob. Genauer gesagt habe ich als Business Consultant in einem Spielzeugunternehmen gearbeitet. Allerdings hat mich mein Traum, mit Musik meinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen, wieder eingeholt und ich denke ich werde mich in der nächsten Zeit mehr darauf konzentrieren. In der Firma bin ich allerdings immernoch für gewisse Projekte verantwortlich und das wird wahrscheinlich auch im nächsten Jahr so bleiben. Alles in allem denke ich, dass studieren in keinem Fall schadet, allerdings sollte man sich irgendwann ehrlich die Frage stellen, was für eine Tätigkeit wirklich erfüllend ist. Denn Fakt ist, wir verbingen fast den Großteil unserer Lebenszeit mit Arbeit und demnach finde ich es nicht besonders gewinnbringend an einem Beruf festzuhalten, der nicht glücklich macht, nur weil er mehr Geld oder mehr Sicherheit bringt (das gilt natürlich nur für diejenigen, die in der glücklichen Lage sind, tatsächlich die Wahl zu haben).
Was sind eure Gedanken dazu? Was ist euch wichtiger, finanzielle Sicherheit oder ein erfüllender Job? Das würde mich wirklich mal interessieren. Habt eine schöne Woche :-)
PS: Die Fotos sind vom 4. Oktober, an dem mein Freund und ich in der Kiever Altstadt spazieren gegangen sind.
//This saturday, the 4th of October, marks the day when I´ve been living in Ukraine for exactly one year. This year was really special for me for a number of reasons: First of all, this is the first time in 17 years that I´m not going to school /university anymore. Hence, since this year, school time with all its exams and dissertations is officially over. The funny thing is, already a long time ago I calculated that I´d be probably done with my studies approximately in 2013 and I was just dying to know what I´d be doing by now ;-) And I have to say, the time after studying is pretty cool, for the first time in my life I have the time to take care of my personal projects such as making photoalbums, drawing, writing more songs again and learning about things like photography. But apart from that, the mere fact that I´ve been living in a country like Ukraine for one year is special in itself. It really isn´t always easy, most of all because of communication difficulties. Especially since Putin invaded the country, nobody really speaks much Russian anymore. And I, being in the process of learning Russian, am now in the tricky situation that on one hand, I don´t even hear the Russian language anymore and on the other hand I still don´t understand Ukrainian which is what everybody speaks. And Ukrainian is actually quite different from Russian. Switching to learning Ukrainian now might however also not be an ideal solution because, whilst all Ukrainians also speak and understand Russian, not all Ukrainians are able to speak Ukrainian. Finally, this year I also had my first real full-time job. To be precise, I worked as a business consultant for a Toys retailer. My dream to earn my money through making music has however continued to haunt me which is why I´m planning to concentrate more on that on the near future. Despite that, I am still responsible for certain projects in the company and it will probably continue to be that way for the next year. All in all I think, studying is almost always a good idea, however at some point one should honestly ask oneself the question, what kind of profession would be really fullfilling. Because as a matter of a fact, we practically spend most of our time on this planet working. Hence, I don´t think it´s a very rewarding strategy to chose a profession that doesn´t make you happy, only for reasons like money or security (that is of course, if you are lucky enough to have the choice, which most people in Germany do have). What are your thoughts on this? Is it more important for you to have a safe job, or to have one that fulfills you internally? I would genuinly be interested in reading your comments on this. Have a great week. PS: The pictures have of course been taken on 4th of October, whilst my boyfriend and me took a walk through the old town of Kiev.
//This saturday, the 4th of October, marks the day when I´ve been living in Ukraine for exactly one year. This year was really special for me for a number of reasons: First of all, this is the first time in 17 years that I´m not going to school /university anymore. Hence, since this year, school time with all its exams and dissertations is officially over. The funny thing is, already a long time ago I calculated that I´d be probably done with my studies approximately in 2013 and I was just dying to know what I´d be doing by now ;-) And I have to say, the time after studying is pretty cool, for the first time in my life I have the time to take care of my personal projects such as making photoalbums, drawing, writing more songs again and learning about things like photography. But apart from that, the mere fact that I´ve been living in a country like Ukraine for one year is special in itself. It really isn´t always easy, most of all because of communication difficulties. Especially since Putin invaded the country, nobody really speaks much Russian anymore. And I, being in the process of learning Russian, am now in the tricky situation that on one hand, I don´t even hear the Russian language anymore and on the other hand I still don´t understand Ukrainian which is what everybody speaks. And Ukrainian is actually quite different from Russian. Switching to learning Ukrainian now might however also not be an ideal solution because, whilst all Ukrainians also speak and understand Russian, not all Ukrainians are able to speak Ukrainian. Finally, this year I also had my first real full-time job. To be precise, I worked as a business consultant for a Toys retailer. My dream to earn my money through making music has however continued to haunt me which is why I´m planning to concentrate more on that on the near future. Despite that, I am still responsible for certain projects in the company and it will probably continue to be that way for the next year. All in all I think, studying is almost always a good idea, however at some point one should honestly ask oneself the question, what kind of profession would be really fullfilling. Because as a matter of a fact, we practically spend most of our time on this planet working. Hence, I don´t think it´s a very rewarding strategy to chose a profession that doesn´t make you happy, only for reasons like money or security (that is of course, if you are lucky enough to have the choice, which most people in Germany do have). What are your thoughts on this? Is it more important for you to have a safe job, or to have one that fulfills you internally? I would genuinly be interested in reading your comments on this. Have a great week. PS: The pictures have of course been taken on 4th of October, whilst my boyfriend and me took a walk through the old town of Kiev.
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