Hier seht ihr die Bilder von meiner Geburtstagsparty, die vor ca einer Woche in Berlin stattfand. Das war wahrscheinlich einer der besten Abende meines Lebens. Zunächst einmal waren mein Freund sowie meine koreanische Freundin Olivia und mein LSE Studienfreund Philipp extra aus dem Ausland nach Berlin gekommen, nur um mit mir zu feiern. Das war wirklich süß und hat mir viel bedeutet. Aber auch viele meiner anderen Freunde mit denen ich früher zur Schule gegangen bin und die ich teilweise seit fünf Jahren nicht mehr gesehen habe, sind gekommen, was ebenfalls sehr cool war :-) Die Party war in einer Berliner Kultkaraoke Bar inklusive Saufeimer (...). Ich trinke ja das ganze Jahr über keinen Alkohol aber an dem Abend war auch ich am Start. Als ich dann irgendwann zu später Stunde bereits einige feinmotorische Fähigkeiten einbüßen musste, ging ich noch mal auf die Bühne um Anaconda von Nicki Minaj zu performen begleitet von vier Backgroundtänzerinnen. Das konnte man dann auch nicht mehr überbieten, demnach war die Party danach vorbei. Davon abgesehen habe ich die meisten Lieder zuvor relativ nüchtern gesungen, ich denke das Publikum hatte demnach Verständnis für meine Entwicklung. Leider konnte ich mich keinen Zentimeter bewegen wegen meinem Kleid, welchem, Hand aufs Herz, 5cm mehr Länge auch nicht geschadet hätten. Alles in allem war die Party aber wirklich perfekt für mich; ich konnte singen, tanzen, ich hab Geschenke bekommen, ich war betrunken, and vor allem waren einige meiner absoluten Lieblingsmenschen bei mir:)
//Here you see the pictures of my birthday party, which took place about a week ago in Berlin. This party was probably one of the best nights on my life. First of all I was so happy that my boyfriend as well as my really good friends from LSE Olivia and Philipp came from really far away to Berlin just to celebrate with me. That was really sweet and meant a lot to me. It was equally sweet of many of my fromer high school friends to drop by, some of which I haven´t seen for five years. The party took place in an iconic Karaoke bar in Berlin which even provided us with these sophicated cocktail buckets (...). I usually never drink any alcohol during the whole year but on that evening I made an exception. When, at a late hour, I already had to forfeit some of my fine motor skills, I once again entered the stage to perform Nicki Minaj´s “Anaconda”, accompanied by four background dancers. That performance was obviously hard to beat, which is why the party ended after that. Apart from that I have to say that during the songs I sang before, I was being relatively sober, wherefore I think the audience was sympathetic about my development. Unfortunately I couldn´t move a centimeter in this dress, which, let´s face it, could have profited from a couple of inches more in lengh. All in all though, I loved this night, I was singing, dancing, got presents, got drunk and most importantly I was around some of my favourite people of this planet:)
//Here you see the pictures of my birthday party, which took place about a week ago in Berlin. This party was probably one of the best nights on my life. First of all I was so happy that my boyfriend as well as my really good friends from LSE Olivia and Philipp came from really far away to Berlin just to celebrate with me. That was really sweet and meant a lot to me. It was equally sweet of many of my fromer high school friends to drop by, some of which I haven´t seen for five years. The party took place in an iconic Karaoke bar in Berlin which even provided us with these sophicated cocktail buckets (...). I usually never drink any alcohol during the whole year but on that evening I made an exception. When, at a late hour, I already had to forfeit some of my fine motor skills, I once again entered the stage to perform Nicki Minaj´s “Anaconda”, accompanied by four background dancers. That performance was obviously hard to beat, which is why the party ended after that. Apart from that I have to say that during the songs I sang before, I was being relatively sober, wherefore I think the audience was sympathetic about my development. Unfortunately I couldn´t move a centimeter in this dress, which, let´s face it, could have profited from a couple of inches more in lengh. All in all though, I loved this night, I was singing, dancing, got presents, got drunk and most importantly I was around some of my favourite people of this planet:)
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