Silvester war dieses Jahr etwas anders als sonst. Das fing damit an, dass wir am 30.12 nachts um 23:30 Uhr entschieden haben, Silvester in Österreich und nicht in Berlin zu feiern. Trotz dieser radikalen Entscheidung haben wir am 31sten schön ausgeschlafen und sind erst um ca 13:00 Uhr losgefahren. Dank unkonventionellem Fahrstil, Audi A5 und nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Tatsache, dass normale Menschen an Silvester keine internationalen Reisen mit dem Auto antreten (bedeutet, es war kein Stau), waren wir innerhalb von sechs Stunden da.
Die Party fand in Alpbach statt, einem ganz romantischen, verschneiten, kleinen Örtchen in Österreich. Alles weitere seht ihr ja auf den Bildern. Liebe Grüße an alle, die mit uns gefeiert haben und besonderen Dank an Georg und Chris! :-)
//This year´s NYE was a little different than usual. For starters, we decided on the 30th of December at like 11:30 pm to celebrate New Years in Austria as opposed to Berlin. Despite this radical decision we took our time to sleep late, resulting in us leaving at like 1pm in the afternoon. Thanks to our unconvetional driving style, an Audi A5 und last but not least due to the fact that normal people do not undertake international journeys by car on NYE (hence there were no traffic jams), we drove there within six hours. The party took place in Alpbach, a very romantic little snow-covered place in Austria. You have seen the pictures I guess, so I won´t go into describing the details of the party...;) Warm regards to everyone who celebrated with us, and special thanks to Georg and Chris! :-)
//This year´s NYE was a little different than usual. For starters, we decided on the 30th of December at like 11:30 pm to celebrate New Years in Austria as opposed to Berlin. Despite this radical decision we took our time to sleep late, resulting in us leaving at like 1pm in the afternoon. Thanks to our unconvetional driving style, an Audi A5 und last but not least due to the fact that normal people do not undertake international journeys by car on NYE (hence there were no traffic jams), we drove there within six hours. The party took place in Alpbach, a very romantic little snow-covered place in Austria. You have seen the pictures I guess, so I won´t go into describing the details of the party...;) Warm regards to everyone who celebrated with us, and special thanks to Georg and Chris! :-)
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