Freitag, 2. September 2016

Finland - Lifestyle

And here comes Part 2: Finnish lifestyle during summer. Finnish people are obsessed with this black candy which doesn’t really deserve the term “candy” since it’s bitter and salty. In German we call it “Lakritz” (english: liquorice) and nobody likes it. But luckily they also produce other candy without liquorice and that kind is simply amazing. I’ m talking about these long tube things in different colours…I think Jesus Christ came personally down from heaven to create them. Other than that, salmon is a big favourite in Finland which probably doesnt come as a surprise. That salmon cream soup on one of the last pictures was absolutely fantastic, definitely something you should try if you ever happen to be in Helsinki. I also loved strolling through one of Helsinki’s many markets which feature all sorts of home made things and great street food. All in all, I loved Finland and I can’ t wait to go back there…maybe in Winter. I still haven’t seen the Northern lights which is and always has been Nr1 on my bucket list. On that note, see you soon Finland.

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