Montag, 31. Oktober 2016

All gold everything

First of all: This is my 100th post!!!! Anyways. Moving on: Here are some pictures of my headline gig at the Century Club in Soho (London), what a night this was! (pictures taken by the fantastic Kevin Wright ;-)) For starters, quite a large number of people came to watch me and support me, including my mum who had never seen me play an original gig before. I played a pretty long set of almost 40 minutes and the crowd was awesome and attentive the whole time - thats just the best feeling…During those nights, everything is usually so hectic and stressful and I often don’t get the chance to really express how happy I feel about the fact that people enjoy my music and come to my shows. So if any of you reads this now, please know that I really appreciate all the love and support! Have a great week <3 span="">

Paris - Croissants & balloons

Bonjour!!! As you might have seen on my Instagram, a few weeks ago I’ ve spent some days in Paris. I was there for a job (played a character in my friend’s music video) so there was not really any free time but I still enjoyed myself. The last time I visited Paris I must have been about 14 years old; I went to Disneyland with my mum. Given that France has always had a special place in my heart since I lived there for a year when I was 16 yrs old, I was very happy to finally go back again. But man…acting is not for me, I tried really hard but I could literally feel how unauthentic I come across:D Which is a shame because I do enjoy it. The story of the video was based around a red balloon - in case you' re wondering why there's a red balloon on every second picture. The last photo by the way was not staged, I just found this picture laying on the street. Still wondering if this was some sort of sign of protection or good luck although I am not per se religious. In any way I enjoyed being back in this beautiful city and I hope I can return soon again :)) Have a lovely week! x

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016

Milos - Last night

Here are the pictures from my last night on the island, this was - hands down - one of the most charismatic bars I’ ve ever been to. It was called Café Bar Himalaya and the owners were indeed from Nepal. It wasn’t overly fancy or anything but the atmosphere was so special….as if you were in a movie. It reminded me a bit of “Lost in Translation” I guess. The drinks were good as well but then again, I only drink still water, I have nothing to compare them to… Now that we have reached the end of my Milos post series, here comes my conclusion: This place has so much potential, simply because of its features: the beaches, the crystal clear water, everything. And after all, this was what I was there for. But the service culture, the food….it wasn’t great. And also, on a very honest note, the moment I said I was German, I would often get somewhat hostile, cynical comments from the locals which I think is neither fair nor smart for people that depend on tourism. So all in all: it was good, I had fun but I won’t go back.

Milos - Happy spot

Here is one last tribute to my favourite place in Milos: Sarakiniko Beach. This is as close to walking on the moon as it gets. I was wearing my favourite dress of 2016 and was…you know… READY TO STRIKE A POSE! :D Since it was quite late, the beach was already relatively empty. Nonetheless, as soon as I positioned myself next to the cave, some guy decided to photograph his girlfriend right behind me :D I guess he trusted in my ability to spot a good location. So I decided to embrace it…why not. Sometimes you just need a semi bold Russian dude to give your pictures that special feel.